Jake Fiennes Refocussing Tourism
Enthusiastic for public engagement with nature, Jake Fiennes is aiming to refocus local tourism on appreciation of natural landscapes. In his role as Director of Conservation for Holkham Estates, Jake is cultivating nature directly next door to tourist car parks, encouraging families and walkers to deviate and include new landscapes into their beach trips. Recognising the impact of climate change on local populations of butterflies and other species, Jake communicates the urgency of managing our emissions and restoring natural ecosystems but remains positive that we can and will reverse the climate crisis.

Contact Details
Jake Fiennes, Holkham Estates, Sacha Dench, Round Britain Climate Challenge, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, COP26, Green Tourism, Ecosystem Restoration, Director of Conservation, Rewilding


Jake Fiennes, Holkham Estates, Sacha Dench, Round Britain Climate Challenge, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, COP26, Green Tourism, Ecosystem Restoration, Director of Conservation, Rewilding
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